Labels:book | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: NewsWatcher .0b22 FAQ #57 You used to use option-click for opening URLs. Now you use command click. Why did you make this capricious change? It wasn capricious It's all Steve Dorner's fault (Steve 's the author of Eudora) Steve decided he wanted to imp lement a feature for opening URLs in Eudora similar to the one I have in News sWatcher. But for various good reasons, Steve wanted to use the Command key instead of the Option key So he conv vinced me to switch It would be disaster if we peen dift ferent keys. think he s right, and Command better than Option FAQ #58 I'm pasn to the UNIX newsreader &rn (where S my favorite letter of the alphabet). know ... violate Apple silly Human Interface Guidelines, but P.I prefer it if News Watcher worked more like n News Watcher is a Macintosh program. ...